Esport Zambia
Esport in Zambia is becoming the number one trending sport online and offline Chromapixelgames is a gaming company that is growing in the game industry and hosts Esports games in Zambia and to other parts of Africa From 2021 to 2024 Chromapixelgames has been hosting Esports games and one o
Rise of gaming market in Zambia
The picture above shows one of the events called “LAN Parties” hosted by nerd otaku in Lusaka, this is one of the communities spearheading gaming development in Zambia ” “The video game industry is expected to continue to grow rapidly in the coming years, with the rise of
Young Women Lead
Reflecting on our recent on-site training led by Young Women lead facilitators Lorna Banda & RABECCA CHINOYA ‘Im thrilled to announce that I’ve officially graduated from the Young Women Lead (official) in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Zambia Career enhancement and Entrepreneurshi
Russia news press interviews cpg ceo
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